Hurricane Beryl: Airports shut as Caribbean residents urged to shelter

People in the Caribbean are bracing for the hurricane, which has formed unusually early in the season.
2024-07-01 13:07:44

Moscow slams EU appointments, predicts poor relations with Brussels

Post Content
2024-06-28 20:07:48

Millions urged to register to vote on deadline day

Just over 2.1 million people have registered since the election was called, latest data shows.
2024-06-18 22:08:50

Millions urged to register to vote as deadline looms

Just over 2.1 million people have registered since the election was called, latest data shows.
2024-06-18 11:10:30

People told to shut windows over south Wales chemical incident

People in Sully and Penarth have been urged by South Wales Police to close their windows and doors.
2024-06-15 18:07:42

Police urged to consider making fewer arrests over prison space

A letter has urged chief constables to think about pausing "non-priority arrests".
2024-05-22 09:08:35

'Stop threatening us', Taiwan's new president tells China

He urged Beijing to replace confrontation with dialogue, shortly after being sworn in on Monday.
2024-05-20 09:08:28

UK urged to confront Saudi leaders on Neom death

Human rights groups urge the UK to demand an independent investigation into the reported killing.
2024-05-14 03:09:41

Eurovision EU flag ban regrettable, Brussels says

Banning the EU flag from Eurovision was a gift to "the enemies of Europe", the commission's vice-president said
2024-05-13 16:08:49

German far-right EU lawmaker's Brussels office raided in spying probe

Post Content
2024-05-07 14:11:06

Social media sites urged to stop school exam scams

Students say it is easy to find accounts falsely claiming to have access to GCSE and A-level papers.
2024-05-07 04:06:37

Westminster urged to extend Troubles payment scheme

Lord Peter Hain has asked the NI Secretary to extend the deadline for a victims payment scheme.
2024-05-07 03:07:04

Uzbek cotton sector urged to protect activists after alleged attack

Post Content
2024-05-03 13:08:59

'Show respect', victim's mum urges over graphic post

Emma Webber has urged the author of a graphic post in a police Whatsapp group to contact her.
2024-04-24 00:06:38

Police told to shut down right-wing Brussels conference

Attendees are not being allowed into the National Conservatism Conference after authorities ordered it to close.
2024-04-16 16:08:28

US tells Israel it won't participate in Iran response

Officials said Joe Biden urged Israel to "think carefully" before launching a response to the attack.
2024-04-15 00:06:37

US tells Israel it won't participate in Iran response

Officials said Joe Biden urged Israel to "think carefully" before launching a response to the attack.
2024-04-14 21:07:32

David Cameron heads to Brussels for Gibraltar talks

Following Brexit, the British overseas territory has been operating under temporary rules.
2024-04-12 00:06:49

Thinking along with the PM: how to conquer Brussels?

2024-04-08 12:09:15

Sanctions urged against Russian figures in English football

Detained Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny says action could put pressure on President Putin.
2021-01-28 21:06:01

Covid-19: Tanzania has no vaccination plan, minister says

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged Tanzania to consider inoculating its population.
2021-02-02 17:06:09

Covid: EU's von der Leyen admits vaccine rollout shortcomings

The European Commission chief tells the Brussels Parliament "we're still not where we want to be".
2021-02-10 12:06:01

Skaters urged to stay off Europe's thawing lakes

People have been enjoying skating on frozen waterways, but the authorities warn of the dangers.
2021-02-15 22:05:51

Coronavirus: EU urged to adopt joint 'vaccine certificates'

Greece and Austria want Covid-free tourists this summer, but other EU states are wary.
2021-02-25 21:05:51

Trócsányi megfenyegette a Néppártot, hogy beperelik őket, ha kizárják a Fideszt

Kezd tovább durvulni a Fidesz és az Európai Néppárt harca. A Politico reggeli hírlevele azt írja, nemrég találkoztak a Néppárt európai parlamenti képviselői, hogy a tervezett szabályváltozásokról tárgyaljanak. Ezekről a változásokról már írtunk, a lényegük az lenne, hogy ezentúl ne csak képviselőként lehessen szavazni arról, hogy valakit kizárjanak a pártcsaládból, hanem egy teljes nemzeti delegációról is, ami megkönnyítené a Fidesz kizárását. A Politico szerint a találkozón a Fidesz feltekerte az iróniamétert, ugyanis Trócsányi László EP-képviselő, volt igazságügyi miniszter és biztosjelölt ...
2021-02-26 09:05:50

Covid vaccine: Germany urged to back AstraZeneca jab for over-65s

A senior German immunologist tells the BBC that his country should reverse its decision on the jab.
2021-02-28 02:06:24

Fauci: 'I would take whatever vaccine would be available to me'

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, on Sunday urged Americans to take any of the three "highly efficacious" coronavirus vaccines now available to them and not delay getting one vaccine over another.
2021-02-28 17:05:43

Biden urged to back AI weapons to counter China and Russia threats

A long-awaited report says the US president should ignore calls for a ban on autonomous weapons.
2021-03-01 20:06:24

Kóbor macska támadt egy utasszállító pilótájára, kényszerleszállás lett a vége

Kényszerleszállást kellett végrehajtania egy szudáni utasszállítónak, mert egy kóbor macska támadt repülés közben a pilótára ? jelentette a helyi sajtó. A Tarco Airlines járata fél órával a felszállás után volt kénytelen visszafordulni a szudáni főváros repülőterére, miután az agresszív cicát képtelenek voltak elfogni a személyzet tagjai. Az eset még az előző héten történt, egy Kartúmból Dohába tartó járaton. A beszámoló szerint a macska az éjszaka mászhatott be a gépbe, amikor az egy hangárban állt, hogy kitakarítsák, és felkészítsék a repülésre. A gép már fél órája repült, amikor a macska v...
2021-03-03 08:06:01

Italian dictionary Trecanni urged to change 'sexist' definition of 'woman'

The Treccani dictionary includes derogatory terms such as "whore" as synonyms for "woman".
2021-03-05 20:06:42

WSJ: Trump pressured Georgia investigator to find 'right answer' in baseless fraud push

In a phone call to the Georgia secretary of state's office in December, then-President Donald Trump urged a top investigator to find fraud in the 2020 presidential election, telling her that she would be "praised" for overturning results that were in favor of Joe Biden, according to newly reported audio of the call obtained by The Wall Street Journal.
2021-03-11 04:05:40

Brussels bombers 'murdered elderly man as a test'

Two brothers who killed 31 people in 2016 earlier shot dead a 76-year-old, a Belgian report says.
2021-03-12 13:07:00

Yemeni journalist freed from jail after Biden administration 'urged' UAE to use influence for release

Yemeni journalist Adel al-Hasani was released from jail on Sunday after a nearly 6-month imprisonment, his lawyer Liza Manaa Saeed told CNN.
2021-03-14 19:05:41

Yemeni journalist freed from jail after Biden administration 'urged' UAE to use influence for release

Yemeni journalist Adel al-Hasani was released from jail on Sunday after a nearly 6-month imprisonment, his lawyer Liza Manaa Saeed told CNN.
2021-03-14 19:05:41

Covid-19 pandemic: Trump urged to encourage supporters to get jabs

It would be a "game-changer" if Donald Trump stepped in, Dr Anthony Fauci says.
2021-03-15 04:10:15

Hundreds at London vigil despite minister's plea

Home Secretary Priti Patel urged people not to take part in protests while Covid rules were in place.
2021-03-16 01:06:40

Trump doesn't commit to staying out of Senate primaries despite prodding by top Republican

Florida Sen. Rick Scott, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, urged former President Donald Trump to back the candidates who win Senate primaries next year rather than engage in intra-party fights that could harm the party's chances at taking back the majority in the midterm elections.
2021-03-16 18:06:16

Tanzania's President, who urged citizens to 'pray coronavirus away', dies after weeks unseen

Tanzania's President John Magufuli has died, his government announced on its official Facebook page Wednesday.
2021-03-17 23:05:40

Yemeni journalist freed from jail after Biden administration 'urged' UAE to use influence for release

Yemeni journalist Adel al-Hasani was released from jail on Sunday after a nearly 6-month imprisonment, his lawyer Liza Manaa Saeed told CNN.
2021-03-22 17:05:51

Despite Brexit, Britons won't stop being European

The UK now has nearly three months of post-Brexit life under its belt. So, how has it celebrated this newfound freedom from its Brussels-based masters?
2021-03-25 11:05:54

Covid vaccine: Social media urged to remove 'disinfo dozen'

Twelve people who spread the majority of vaccine disinformation should be removed, US lawmaker says.
2021-03-26 19:07:45

UK PM urged to share Covid jabs with poorer nations

A group of charities is calling on Boris Johnson to begin donating vaccines through Covax.
2021-03-28 04:06:59

Megszüntette a nyomozást Szájer ellen a belga ügyészség

Már nem nyomoznak Szájer József ellen kábítószer birtoklása miatt, írja a The Brussels Times a belga ügyészségre hivatkozva. A szemléje szerint a volt fideszes EP-képviselőt mindössze a járványügyi korlátozások miatt büntették meg. Szájer még a múlt héti közleményében jelezte, nem folyik ellene jogi eljárás, a Covid-19 korlátozások megszegése miatt pedig 250 eurót fizetett. Kapcsolódó Brüsszeli orgia: a belga tévéműsorban nem adták le a Szájer elfogásáról készült videót A végső műsorba nem került be az előzetesben látott, emlékezetes jelenet. The post Megszüntette ...
2021-03-29 19:06:56

Chicago police urged to share bodycam video in fatal shooting of boy, 13

An investigation begins after a 13-year-old is killed in an "armed confrontation" with police.
2021-04-02 19:08:19

Érvényes lehet a kínai és az orosz oltóanyagokra is az uniós vakcinaútlevél

A tagországok Európai Unióba küldött nagykövetei, akik legalább hetente találkoznak, hogy a legfontosabb ügyekben döntéseket hozzanak a tagállamok nevében, szerdán azért ülnek le egymással, hogy megvitassák az uniós vakcinaútlevél elfogadását. A Politico reggeli hírlevele szerint a javaslatot el fogják fogadni, de van benne pár csavar. Elsőként például az, hogy amit vakcinaútlevélnek hívunk, valójában nem egy útlevél. Ezt persze eddig is lehetett tudni, írtunk már a javaslatról akkor, amikor bemutatták. Annak ellenére, hogy a köznyelv vakcinaútlevélnek hívja, a dokumentum egyáltalán nem szabá...
2021-04-14 12:05:59

Stolen Roman statue found in Brussels antique shop

The headless figure, estimated to be worth ?100,000, disappeared from a site near Rome 10 years ago.
2021-04-14 14:07:22

Facebook urged to scrap Instagram for children plans

A campaign group claims the "image-obsessed" platform is dangerous for children's health and privacy.
2021-04-15 15:07:01

YouTube shuts down prominent Nigerian megachurch preacher's channel for 'gay curing' claims

A popular Nigerian televangelist has urged his followers to "pray for YouTube" for shutting down his account after he posted videos on his channel claiming to 'cure' gay members of his congregation of their sexuality.
2021-04-20 22:05:41

Climate change: Biden summit to push for 'immediate' action

Forty world leaders will be urged to increase their carbon-cutting actions at US virtual summit.
2021-04-22 02:06:18

YouTube shuts down prominent Nigerian megachurch preacher's channel for 'gay curing' claims

A popular Nigerian televangelist has urged his followers to "pray for YouTube" for shutting down his account after he posted videos on his channel claiming to 'cure' gay members of his congregation of their sexuality.
2021-04-22 11:05:45

Alexei Navalny urged to end hunger strike immediately

Russia's opposition leader could die, warn the doctors who had treated him before he was jailed.
2021-04-23 01:06:11

Biden sets date for maiden foreign trip

President Joe Biden will embark upon his first foreign trip in June, the White House said on Friday, with plans to attend the Group of 7 summit in southwestern England and diplomatic meetings in Brussels.
2021-04-23 18:05:40

EU pivots to Pfizer with world's biggest Covid-19 vaccine deal as it sues AstraZeneca

The European Union is pivoting to the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus shot with a record agreement to buy up to 1.8 billion doses, as court proceedings in its lawsuit against another major vaccine maker, AstraZeneca, began in Brussels on Wednesday.
2021-04-28 17:05:43

The looming crisis in Brussels that no one is talking about

She's been a fixture of life in Germany for almost 16 years. But now the political stability that the country has enjoyed for so long under Angela Merkel is coming to an end as she prepares to stand down as Chancellor.
2021-04-29 07:05:40

The looming crisis in Brussels that no one is talking about

She's been a fixture of life in Germany for almost 16 years. But now the political stability that the country has enjoyed for so long under Angela Merkel is coming to an end as she prepares to stand down as Chancellor.
2021-04-29 14:06:43


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